I believe that psychologists have a lot to offer—and not just the client sitting in front of them. I also believe that being involved in a range of activities benefits everything that you do. So here is a summary of all the cool stuff that I fill my time with.

I’ve been in private practice for more than twenty-five years and it’s where most of my time goes. I started out by specializing in teens and adults with ADHD, mostly by seeing them individually. Then I started bringing in the parents and romantic partners so we could all work together more effectively. I then got additional training and also do couples therapy and sex therapy, often with folks who have ADHD, but also all the other usual stuff of anxiety, depression, work/school stress, etc.
I have done a lot of presenting over the years, from online to in-person, from down the street to across the ocean. Putting together a coherent, interesting, and useful presentation really forces you to think about your material. It’s a different kind of communication, but it makes me a better communicator in session, too. For more on my presenting, including some recordings, visit my books site.
I’ve written four books on adult ADHD (one for clinicians and three for the public), some book chapters, and countless articles for Attention Magazine and ADDitude, as well as various other publications. I even wrote a couple articles for Fine Woodworking. Just as with presenting, writing really forces you to understand your material and communicate it clearly. This also shows up in my therapy sessions. For more on my writing, including some sample chapters, visit my books site.
I’ve always been involved in various volunteer organizations. Currently, I am the co-chair for the CHADD conference committee. Before that, I was on the national board and ran a couple support groups. I also served as the Vice President for ADDA, with various psychology associations, and even political campaigns. I think it’s important to give back and it’s nice to have some variety in your week.
My writing and presenting make me easy to find online, so I am often approached for quotes in articles, to comment on-air for radio, or to do podcast interviews. Quotes for articles or radio really require you to be succinct and on target, but even rambling podcast interviews work best when you are clear on what information you are trying to get across. For more on my media appearances, check out the Media page on my books site.